Mangyan is the generic name for the eight indigenous groups found on the island of Mindoro, southwest of the island of Luzon, the Philippines, each with its own tribal name, language, and customs. The total population may be around 280,000, but official statistics are difficult to determine under the conditions of remote areas, reclusive tribal groups and some having little if any outside world contact.
Vi har støttet den lille Mangyan skole :
Ambang Mangyan School, Puerto Galera
og givet et tilskud til oprettelse af håndvaske faciliteter udenfor klasserne. Derved forhindres corona smitten sig i at brede sig. Et rigtigt godt initiativ som skole principal NOEMI BUNQUIN har taget
Typiske “huse” for Mangyans
Mangyans lever typisk isoleret i bjergområder og tilkørsels forholdene ofte vanskelige.